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Facilitation | Product Development | Training

MCS has assisted over 100 TPAs and vendors servings TPAs with assistance in operating more effectively in their particular markets.  This includes facilitation of business planning processes and meetings, development of turnkey sales and marketing plans, SWOT analysis of products and strategies, product development roadmaps, and product development and rollout, including training.  Specific areas of strength include:


  • Positioning of product or service within the spectrum of services offered and vendors utilized by a TPA;

  • Assistance with development of "market meaningful" ROI analysis, both clinical and financial;

  • Facilitation of meetings and gaining endorsements from stop loss markets and captives;

  • Facilitation of strategic partnerships with other high quality organizations which creates an enhanced offering by leveraging synergies;

  • Development of secondary and tertiary marketing and sales efforts designed to assist TPAs in selling to their clients and clients selling to the covered population;

  • Development of internal and external training programs designed to enhance product and service effectiveness and retain “shelf life”;

  • Development of strategies to avoid market conflict, including reconciliation of the inherent problems of TPA-based versus Broker/Consultant-based distribution;

  • Assistance with pricing, distributor compensation benchmarks and price testing;

  • Assistance with facilitation of Focus Groups as an independent facilitator, including inviting target TPAs that are MCS clients and directing conversation to ensure the most benefit from feedback;  I have coordinated over 20 such Focus Groups in the most recent 10 years and in each case over 40% of participants "buy" the services.

  • Incorporate strategies to position the services with my client base, including TPAs, stop loss carriers, health care entities and brokers/consultants.

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